Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Filling in!

Sorry to be gone for so long. Tis' the season of busy-ness. We are moving, this weekend are two performances where I will be playing the Flower Fairy, next Monday and Wednesday are my students' Christmas performances at the retirement home... etc. etc.

But -- I seem to have sprung overnight! My belly that is. So I think it is time for another pregnant belly pic. I have had this belly before, after many large meals, but this time it is firm! Not gushy! Something must be different..... :-)

Speaking of babies... in case anyone wants to know, we have finally found a midwife and are set up to have a home birth. I don't really feel like explaining why we chose this way right now, so you can ask later or just be ok with just knowing that much. We also are probably not going to find out the gender of the baby. We were going to, and who knows, maybe we'll change our minds again... but for now we aren't planning an ultrasound which means no knowing. And we're ok with that! :) Hope you all are alright with that!

Austin and I get more and more excited as time passes. The first most exciting thing was being able to hear the heartbeat. Wow! Nothing is so much a miracle as that! And it really helped everything sink in. Then I started growing, which again helps make everything feel more real! Then I got to feel the baby move! And now my belly button is filling in --- which may seem odd to everyone else but that REALLY made me feel like it is all real. Hehe!

(My belly button used to be one deep cave.)

So, all is well with baby stuff.

On a different note... we are planning on moving the 20th of this month. If we can move sooner we will. The house has undergone major treatment these last few months, and if we can just wrap it all up and get everything packed, we're outta here! :) (And inta there!)

We'll post pics when that happens. :)

All for now! We'll see if I get any posts in before the new year.........!


The Davis Family said...

Yay - hurray!!! I'm excited you felt him/her move! And I'm laughing because you put a picture of your belly-button up. hehehe

Can't wait to see you again soon!

e.c said...

Oh you two...I'm so happy for you. I feel GIDDY! odd.
And that's awesome that you're doing a home happy for you! Yeah!

The Davis Family said...

Looking forward to more blogs of your growing belly and new home!