Thursday, September 3, 2009

Picture Catchup #2

As promised... here are more pictures! They're not all in top notch form... but that's what happens when you are an amateur photographer and don't own photoshop. :-D

First : Jackson's first trip to the Zoo!!

Inside looking at fancy monkeys with cousin Anna and second cousin once removed daughter of mom's cousin Olivia! And their parents... respectively.

Snuggling with Momma...

Lydia & 'Livia :)

This one makes me laugh - all the cameras surrounding the little ones!


The adorable kiddos!

Sweet sleeper...

Coping with the summer heat! Sitting in the bumbo with the fan on high. :-) (no clothes on helps too!)

A day with friends! Jonathan & Asher and Momma Erin.

Mmm... mm... good!

Anna's Henry getting bigger!

Austin expands his repetoire and gives me a fantastic pedicure! Red nails with white french tips... :-)

Jackson's favorite thing to do on his changing table.

All ready to swim!

With Nona in the pool!
(The way we spent the big heat waves this summer!)

Family pic in the pool :)

Grandma & Grandpa even came!

Having a blast in the pool...!

Great-Grandma's 80th Birthday Party!

Devon enjoying Jackson.. or is it Jackson enjoying Devon? :)

Ahh.. relaxing...

Look at me mom! I can stand!


Getting some time with Great-Uncle (or Grunkle as some say!) Ken

And time with... er... let's just call her a cousin, Ashley!

And the gorgeous Ashley actually sits still for a picture... with even a little smile!

Jackson's new high chair!! Gotta love craigslist.

Jackson's new ginormous crib! Thanks craiglist again.


Jackson's second, but much more intrusive, haircut!

Goodbye Peacock Top!


Almost caught up... will post again soon with the last bunch o' pictures!


ballet girl 19 said...

So precious. He is getting so big. I cant wait to see him again. Love being in ballet again. being able to see you every week.

e.c said...

Thanks for the photos! I love seeing your little dude growing up. And you too of course :)
He's such a cutie!